Jimboomba Chiropractic
Chiropractic care can aid in stress management by addressing physical tension and imbalances in the body that often accompany high-stress levels. Misalignments in the spine and muscle tension can exacerbate stress and lead to discomfort or pain. Chiropractic adjustments help restore proper spinal alignment and improve nervous system function, which can reduce physical symptoms of stress and promote relaxation. By alleviating muscle tension and enhancing overall bodily function, chiropractic care supports a more balanced response to stress, contributing to improved overall wellbeing and mental clarity.
If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, we can help. Contact Jimboomba Chiropractic on
07 5646 5035 today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced chiropractors. Let us help you achieve optimal health and wellness.
Phone: (07) 5646 5035
Address: Unit 11A 133 - 145 Brisbane Street Jimboomba QLD 4280
Monday / Tuesday / Thursday 7am-6pm & Friday 7-11am (closed all other days)